

Data Entry

1. Data Entry

Data entry allows users to edit data directly in table components. This functionality is available only on web or mobile screens and is not compatible with dashboards.

1.1. Configuration

Activation: To enable data entry in the table, access the component settings menu, navigate to the VIEW, select the data (column) where data entry is to be enabled, click the three dots on the data, and activate the data entry option. This will allow users to insert data into that column.

Visual Indicators:

  • No Data Entry: When data entry is not enabled, the table cells are displayed with a standard appearance.

  • Data Entry Enabled, Unsaved Changes: When data entry is enabled, and data is edited but not saved, the cells are highlighted with a different color (a stronger pink) to indicate pending changes.

  • Data Entry Enabled, Saved Changes: After saving the data, the cells return to a "saved data" appearance (light pink), indicating that the information has been persisted in the database.

1.2. Usage Criteria for Data Entry Functionality

This functionality is governed by a critical criterion: the level of detail in the table. Data entry is automatically disabled if the table is not at its most specific level of detail, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of information.

1.2.1. Level of Detail

Most Specific: Data entry is allowed when the table displays data at its root level, such as individual records of transactions or events. In this case, the system can clearly identify which specific record the changes should apply to. For example, in a table detailing sales by month and salesperson, it is possible to edit sales and target data because each record is unique and specific to each month and salesperson.

1.2.2. Level of Aggregation

Less Specific: When the table is configured at a higher aggregation level, such as summarizing annual data or by category, data entry is disabled. This is because the system cannot determine how to distribute the changes made by users to specific records. For example, when viewing sales data aggregated by year, the system cannot identify to which month a new sales target should apply.

1.2.3. Using Filters for Specification

Detail Selector: To enable data entry in aggregated tables, users can use filters or selectors to specify the desired level of detail. For instance, a month selector can be used to define a specific month. This allows the system to know exactly where to apply the changes, unlocking the data entry functionality. This approach ensures data integrity while allowing edits at appropriate detail levels. For more details about selectors, refer to their documentation.

This blocking criterion for data entry at higher aggregation levels is an important precaution to protect data accuracy. It ensures that any modifications are made consciously and precisely, corresponding to the specific records where these changes are applicable.

2. Automatic Data Entry

Automatic data entry is a functionality that saves user-made changes automatically, without the need for manual actions. This ensures that all changes are instantly persisted in the database, keeping the data always up to date.

2.1. Configuration

Activation: To enable automatic data entry, access the component settings under "Personalize" and activate the automatic data entry option.

2.2. Integration with Reactivity

Automatic data entry can be used alongside the reactivity functionality. When both are enabled, the platform not only saves changes automatically but also updates related components automatically, without the need to reload the entire screen. This is especially useful for ensuring that the user interface always reflects the most recent data without visual interruptions, such as "flashes" on the screen. For more information, refer to the reactivity documentation.

3. Custom Actions for Saving Data

In addition to automatic data entry, developers can configure custom actions to save data manually through a button or label. This is useful in scenarios where automatic saving is not desirable, providing greater control over when and under what conditions the data is saved.

3.1. Configuration

Creating the Action:

  • Access the "Actions" configuration section in the Mitra platform.

  • In the first step of the action, add the step "Save Data Entry."

  • In the second step, add the "Reload" functionality to ensure that the user interface is updated to reflect the recently saved data. For more details on configuring these actions, refer to the actions documentation.

Assigning the Action:

  • The custom action can be assigned to various types of components, such as buttons and labels. For example, when clicking on a button configured with the save action, the system will save the data and reload the interface as configured.

This manual saving approach is useful in cases where it is necessary to validate data before saving or when the user needs to confirm the save action.