

Formatted Report

1. Overview

The “Formatted Report” functionality allows the creation of custom layouts for data visualization in a table format. This feature is widely used for building financial reports such as Income Statements (DRE), Cash Flow Statements (DFC), Balance Sheets, and more.

This tool offers a unique way to adapt table usage within screens, enabling clear and organized information visualization, essential for detailed analyses and decision-making.

2. Location and Requirements

The “Formatted Report” functionality is located within the Analysis View of the table component, in the “Settings” section, under the “Formatted Report” option. To enable this option, there must be only one record marked as a grouper in the table. This grouper is essential because formatted reports are directly linked to a record and will only appear as an option if this record is set as a grouper.

3. Creating a New Report

To create a new formatted report, you need to have a table component where the View is already configured and has only one record in the View's grouper section. After meeting these requirements, go to the “Settings” section in the View, and under the “Formatted Report” option, select “Add.” Clicking this button will open the report builder modal, which offers various functionalities to assist in the creation.

Add Member: A purple button located next to the search field. Clicking it will create rows for configuring the report. Each row in the report has the following configuration options:

  • Description: The name that will appear in the table. If it is a grouper-type row, it will be used as a reference in the “Parent” column (explained below).

  • Formula: Allows the use of a series of commands, resulting in different types of output in the report.

  • Commands: The commands “%” and “*” must be enclosed in double quotes.

    • “%” Command: Used to create grouper-type rows. These rows are responsible for displaying the total available values based on the applied filters. Here's how it works:

      • Creating Groupers: When you use “%” in a row, you are instructing the system to group accounts that start with a specific number. For example, if you want to group all accounts that start with “1,” you use the formula “1%.”

      • Positioning the “%”: The “%” can be placed before or after the number, such as “1%” or “%1.” If the “%” is placed after the number, like “1%,” the grouper will include all accounts starting with “1.” If the “%” is placed before the number, like “%1,” the grouper will include all accounts ending with “1.”

      • Grouping Multiple Groupers: You can also create a grouper that sums multiple other groupers. For example, the formula “1%” + “2%” groups all accounts that start with “1” and “2.”

      • In summary, the “%” command helps organize and summarize data in your table, showing totals for specific account groups based on filters and the numbers they start with. Drill interactions are available for report rows using this formula.

    • “*” Command: Used to create detailed rows in the table. These rows show the available values based on the applied filters but display all relevant rows of the original dimension separately. Here’s a simple explanation of how it works:

      • Creating Details: When you use “*” in a row, you are instructing the system to detail and display each account individually based on the applied filter.

      • Linking with Groupers: Detail rows are generally linked to a grouper row through the “Parent” column. This means that when you expand a grouper, you will see the specific details of each account that makes up that grouper.

      • Practical Example: Suppose you have accounts like “10 – Membership Fee” and “11 – Online Learning.”

        • You can create a grouper “1%” called “Revenue.”

        • Then, you can create a detail “1*” linked to “Revenue” as the parent, which will display accounts “10” and “11” when “Revenue” is expanded.

    • Summation Using Order: The rows in the DRE have a unique code called order. To sum the values of these rows, place the row order number in brackets []. This feature cannot be used with detail rows. For example, if the row with order 0 has the formula “1%” and the row with order 2 has the formula “2%,” to sum accounts starting with 1 and 2, use the formula [0] + [2]. Drill interactions are not available for report rows using this formula.

  • Bold: Sets the row text to bold.

  • Alignment: Changes the row alignment (left, center, right).

  • Background Color: Sets the row background color. For grouper-type rows, only the grouper will be colored; for detail rows, the entire detail’s background color will change.

  • Text Color: Sets the row text color. For grouper-type rows, only the grouper’s text will be colored; for detail rows, the entire detail’s text color will change.

  • Parent Element: Allows associating one row with another using the description of another column as a reference. Widely used to create reports with multiple levels of hierarchy and to associate detail rows with their respective groupers.

  • Order: Defines the order of rows in the final report and can be used to create summation rows using the order. It is not possible to have two rows with the same order.

  • Hide: Allows hiding the row in the final report.

  • Actions:

    • Move Up: Changes the row order to -1 and reorders the remaining rows.

    • Move Down: Changes the row order to +1 and reorders the remaining rows.

    • Add Above: Creates a new row immediately above the selected row and reorders the remaining rows.

    • Add Below: Creates a new row immediately below the selected row and reorders the remaining rows.

    • Duplicate: Creates an identical row to the selected one immediately below it.

    • Row Settings: Allows setting prefix, suffix, and decimal places for the row.

    • Delete Item: Permanently deletes the selected row.

  • Filters: Allows adding additional filters for the row, complementing or further specifying the formula filter.

After configuring all the above settings, save the report and view the result on the screen.

To edit reports, go back to the “Settings” in the table View, go to components, and instead of adding a new template, locate the desired template and click the pencil icon. This will open the template configuration screen again for any necessary changes.

To duplicate reports, go back to the “Settings” in the table View, go to components, and instead of adding a new template, locate the desired template and click the duplicate icon. This will open a screen to name the new template and then open the template configuration screen for further adjustments.

4. Report Examples

4.1. Basic Example Using Only “%” and “*”

Template Name: Basic Example.

In this example, the grouper rows “Revenue” and “Expenses” are represented using “%,” and the detail rows are represented using “*.”

4.2. Advanced Example Using Other Row Types and Selections

Template Name: Advanced Example.

In this example, in addition to the grouper and detail rows, additional configurations such as background and text colors were used, as well as summation rows using the order to create a more detailed and customized report.